Monday, February 3, 2014


I have been really wanting my own little indoor garden and I am slowly adding to it. Last week I got a new baby, basil.

I love the smell of basil and I really love to cook with it; I know how to use basil as an essential oil, but I wasn't quite sure how to use the leaves for therapeutic purposes. I found this great link for some great uses for basil leaves.

Most of this is from The Wellness Mama.

  1. General Cooking- Dried basil can be easily added to practically any dish. Basil is used around the world in many different cuisines with good reason. It adds a depth and flavor that is not rivaled by other herbs.
  2. Calming the Stomach- The Italians may be on to something with adding Basil to everything. It is thought to have a calming effect on the stomach and 1/2 teaspoon of dried or fresh Basil Leaf in water can often help sooth indigestion and alleviate feelings of fullness.
  3. Coughing and Colds- I’ve heard several Amish in our area suggest using Basil leaf to help alleviate coughing and colds. They chew fresh leaves to calm coughing or make a calming tea of dried basil to help sooth illness.
  4. Facial Steam for Headache: A facial steam with dried basil leaf can help alleviate a headache. Add a tablespoon of dried basil leaf to 2 cups of boiling water in a large pot. Carefully lean over the pot, cover head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes until headache starts to subside. Bonus, you get to smell like an Italian restaurant for the rest of the day!
  5. Antibiotic properties: According to Mountain Rose Herbs: “European scientists are investigating the use of basil oil as treatment for antibiotic resistant infections with Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, and Pseudomonas.”
  6. Stings and Bites: If you are working outside and get bitten or stung by an insect and don’t have any Plantain growing nearby, chewing up a basil leaf and applying to the bite will help relieve the pain and draw out the venom.
  7. Ear Infections: I have a post about that written here.
  8. Blood sugar: There is some evidence that Basil can help level out blood sugar if consumed regularly and drank as a juice or tea.
  9. Stress Reduction: One herbalist I know suggests adding 2 cups of strong Basil Leaf tea to a warm bath to help reduce stress and facilitate relaxation.


  1. I'll have to try the stress reduction tip. Just the thought of it sounds relaxing. :-)

    Stopping by from Blogging Homeschoolers.

  2. I'll buy the bath one, but the thought of drinking basil tea makes me want to gag...

  3. I love basil! I also grow a few plants in my garden just so I can have an abundance on hand. I posted about a good way to preserve basil for after the season is over, too! It's on my blog.



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