Friday, May 31, 2013

Challenge Winners

Do you remember a few months ago when we started a health challenge? Well, we finished it a few weeks ago and we're excited to announce our winners!! 

The purpose of the challenge was to encourage healthy eating, exercise, drinking enough water and sleep. You received extra points for every % of body fat you lost. The challenge was about health, not about how many pounds you could lose. You can starve or dehydrate yourself to drop a couple of pounds (that's why I didn't give extra points for weight loss), even though a lot of people lose weight that way. 

I tried to find a picture of what a % of body fat looks like and how awesome it is to even go down 1%, but all I found were pictures of really fit people in their swimsuits.

So without further ado, here are our winners!!

Our 3rd place winner is Kallee Pollmann!!

Our 2nd place winner is Jeremy Sanderson!!

And our 1st place winner is Ashley Love!! Ashley went down 2% in body fat, lost  nine pounds and went down a full pant size!! Way to go Ash!!

Great job to all those who participated! We will be having another challenge just before the holidays to help you look and feel your best before all the craziness begins.

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