Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Challenge Winners

I am excited to announce the winners of the challenge!! But, what I'm more excited about is to let you know some of the things people experienced while they were on the challenge. This is what some of the folks had to say...

"Our energy level and overall feeling of well being has greatly improved."

"My main reason for doing this challenge is to get my blood sugar level down. I had gestational diabetes with last baby and my blood sugar is higher then it should be, bordering on pre-diabetes. Whenever I felt a little bit tempted to cave I would look up ways to get get rid of diabetes. Every article says something about losing weight, getting active, cutting carbs and sugars, this always got my mind back on track and focused. 

My three favorite side effects if you will of this diet (lifestyle) are sustained energy with less dipping and spiking and more clear brain, less fog. I suffer from serious brain fog which I attribute to my blood sugar. Also a huge one for me is inflammation. I noticed less inflammation when I eat Paleo. I have several chronic inflammation problems that I have been dealing with for years, my IT band and also bursitis on my hips to name a few. 

As for weight, I lost about 6 pounds. I think I lost most of that in the first week and a half. It is really hard to judge weight because I have been lifting a lot harder this last month. My clothes are fitting a bit better, I would say I maybe lost a pant size."

"Lost about 6 lbs."

"I lost 7 lbs., had more motivation to get projects done and clearer skin. I don't know if I slept better because I had some crazy dreams but I seemed to do better on 7 hours of sleep instead of 8 to 9 hours I'm used to. I didn't set an alarm I just woke up ready to go after 7 hrs. The first 5 days were really hard - I had an extreme diet soda and sugar habit I have been trying to quit for years. I found that every time I wanted a soda or something sweet drinking some lemon water with stevia really helped. My muscles healed in a day after a workout instead of a week - and I noticed my joints were not as sore."

I love, no I LOVE hearing these types of stories! It isn't always about the weight, it is also about a better quality of life!! 

So without further ado, our challenge winners are:

1st place-Bryndee Slade

2nd place-Amanda Larsen

3rd place-Kallee Pollmann

Thanks to everyone who participated and for those who are interested, our next challenge will be in January!

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